Thursday, November 10, 2016

Zika virus

Hi there,
Thought of posting something related to microbiology.
Its been ages since I have opened any book because I guess you know the reason,"mother of a new born".  
Lets talk about Zika virus today. Its been an issue for quite a few days in USA and Africa. However, mothers of India are lucky to atleast save themselves from the hands of Zika. I will be short and precise with the information.
Zika is an arbovirus, flavirus, causing a vector borne disease. It is again the Ades aegypti mosquito, the same responsible for dengue. Also sometimes caused by Ades albopictus. These are the tiger mosquitoes which bite usually during day time. But, again there can be exception.
The main problem with this virus is its vertical transmission from mother to foetus which may lead to certain neurological complications to the new born.
The most horrifying scenario is its capability of sexual transmission. So new couples opting for pregnancy are suggested for counseling. Blood transfusion may lead to the disease, unless otherwise.
Symptoms are mild like any other flu like syndrome. There is mild fever with headache, conjunctivitis, rash, artharalgia or myalgia. Usually persists for a week or two, nothing serious, rarely needs hospitalization.
Risk groups are the new borns transmitted from mothers. Babies may develop several neurological complications starting from microcephaly, loss of hearing, loss of vision to even Gullein-Barre syndrome, a rare neurological disease where  patient's immune system is compromised followed by muscle weakness and even paralysis.
Diagnosis is by testing urine as well as blood where we detect Antigens and antibodies by Elisa or immuno-chromatography.
Medicines and vaccines are yet to be discovered. So, once again the great dialogue, "Prevention is better than cure" comes into action. Save yourself from mosquito bites by using covered clothes, insect repellants, avoid water stagnation and last but not the least education to oneself.
Hope you will find this information helpful.
Thanks a ton to all. Bye for now. 

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